Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Joshua turns 11 months old

Joshua was 11 months yesterday, November 2. Jeremy is already making out lists, birthday and Christmas, for Joshua. Jeremy thinks he has a good grasp of what Joshua wants!! We all spent the weekend at Grandma H's. Kids went Trick or Treating around Grandma's neighborhood and to a few relatives. They got lots of goodies. Also, one of Di's aunts passed away and the funeral was on Monday. She was 91 and had a very good long life. We will miss her. So we had a long weekend at Grandma's with lots of time with the relatives.

Joshua hasn't changed much this month. He's grown a little. He has gotten 2 new teeth. He is now drinking some cow's milk as we are mixing in a little with his formula. He seems to do OK with it. He now walks every where, rather than crawl. He will crawl if he falls down and there isn't anything close to help him get back up.

We were able to get his flu shot and the H1N1 shot so hopefully he won't get any of the nasty sicknesses going around.

Jeremy's football ended last Saturday. They lost 8-0. It was a hard fought game. They ended up in 3rd place which is really good for their first year. Now he starts basketball. Practice starts tonight and is 2 nights a week. They will play most of their games on the weekend. He is playing with several boys that he played football with.

We will try to post pictures in the very near future. Happy Tuesday!

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