Friday, October 2, 2009

Joshua is 10 months old

Here's the 10 month old! Our friend Mary Kay took this picture. It is so cute, we thought we would use it on this blog, as well. Joshua is doing great. He isn't walking totally yet, but takes several steps and then decides crawling is faster. He is starting to put sounds together, like MAMA! Ha! Ha! Everyone else says he is not saying Mama. Jackie (Mama) thinks he is saying it!!!! He is eating quite a bit of food that we eat. We still suppliment it with his food, but it won't be long and he'll just eat what we do. He already outeats Jeremy at meal time!!! Grandma H was up last Saturday and Sunday, so the boys enjoyed having her around to spoil them. Friday night the boys and Jackie went to see Grandma T. We mowed her lawn and then went out for dinner. It was a very nice evening. This weekend will be spent at football games and the camper. Only have 2 more weekends, so we got to get our time in!!
Below is a picture that Mary Kay took of us all. She does a great job with pictures! Thanks Mary Kay!!
Jeremy, Jackie, Joshua and Di

Josh is mowing our screened in porch.

He can walk the whole length of the porch when he has the mower to hang on to.

He is just mowing and mowing and mowing!!

Joshua got a chocolate cookie..which he liked a whole lot!!

Here is a picture of Jeremy at KSU stadium. You can see his mohawk!! This pic is compliments of our friend Linda.
They played in the stadium last Sunday and won 14-12. They are now 2-1. They play this weekend on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is in Topeka and Sunday is at the stadium.

Here is what Joshua thinks of football games...let me nap!!!

Jeremy, #12, is waiting for the the offense to come up to the line.

Jeremy is doing a great job of blocking!

Jeremy after a play.

Jeremy in the midst of the play.

Joshua and Jackie on the 4 wheeler.

Jeremy and Di on the 4 wheeler

Jeremy and Zeph on the tube.

Jeremy and Cayden on the tube. Jeremy, the brave one, is surfing!!

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