Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's almost final!

Today we had our last of two home visits. The purpose of the visit is mostly to ensure that we are caring for the child appropriately. Pictured here is Tammi Hawk and Joshua. Tammi was the local social worker we used to do our home study and post-placement visits. For any of you out there considering adoption we highly recommend you contact Tammi. Tammi is amazing, she takes her job seriously, but at the same time is tremendously supportive. We always knew that Tammi was in our corner and available for advice on any aspect of the adoption.

Tammi will write up a summary of our home visit and forward it to Open Adoption and Family Services. Then OAFS in conjunction with our lawyer, will petition the court finalize the adoption. We aren't sure how long that will take but we feel it should be finalized before the end of the month.

1 comment:

Darci said...

There has never been any doubt in my mind that Joshua is in the BEST hands possible. Congratulations....you two (ok, three [Hi Jeremy]) deserve this special bundle of joy!!