Saturday, December 6, 2008

Catching everyone up

As you can see this blog was started a few days after Joshua was born. I'll use this post to review highlights of the past few days and get everyone up to date.

Tuesday night and Wednesday were absolutely crazy days. But there are no words to describe our feelings when we walked in the room to meet our new little boy. Prior to that we hadn't even see a photo. We stayed with him for a couple of hours and then Jackie and Jeremy went to the hotel. I stayed at the hospital with Joshua. He was awake on and off throughout the night. The sweetest thing about him that I remember is that he didn't really cry he mostly squeaked. So we set up a pattern, he would squeak and I'd get up and hold, feed or change him.

The day and a half between his birth and the time we showed up the nurses at Sacred Heart had sufficiently spoiled him. During our travels I was very concerned that he wasn't being held like he should be but after the parade of nurses who stopped by the room to see how he was doing and talk about their part in his life, it became very clear that he was a special little boy to all the staff and that he had spent much more time in someone's arms than he did in bed.

When we arrived the one thing we really noticed was how alert he was. His eyes would follow everyone who held him. At that point it wasn't eating very much formula at a sitting. Jackie and Jeremy came back to the hospital at 8:00 a.m. Thinking back now the day is really a blur. We mostly, just sat in the room and held Joshua.

Jeremy is pumped about being a big brother and quickly took on the role of his protector. Any noise from Joshua promted Jeremy to either stuff a pacifier into Joshua's mouth or he would bark at Jackie and I to do something so his little brother stops crying. He quickly learned how to make a bottle and often would hold Joshua to feed him. When he wasn't watching out for Joshua, Jeremy wsa able to play game cube.

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