Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter and Camping

Easter this year was a lot of fun. We went to Jackie's mom's house. Jackie's sister Lynn and her twin boys were the only ones there, but us. Jeremy enjoyed playing big brother to all the kids by setting up the Easter egg hunt and helping the smaller kids participate. Yes, Jeremy participated too, but let the younger ones have their fair share of eggs, as well. We finished off by coloring hard boiled eggs. Josh really enjoyed watching the eggs change color and only decided to see how far he could throw one. Check out Diane's FaceBook for more Easter photos.

Camping season is upon us as well. So far we have only slept one night in the camper but more fun filled camping weekends are coming soon. Joshua loves being out at the camper. Since there aren't a ton of people there yet, we often bring his 4-wheeler which allows him to keep up with the bigger boys. The only problem is that Josh only goes one speed "FAST" so Jackie and I have to hustle to keep him from running into something he shouldn't. Josh also loves playing with balls of all kinds. The last time we were out camping we started pitching to him and he actually hit a few unassisted. The hat was his own fashion statement :-)

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