Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The BIG 1

Well, it's been 1 year since we got that very special call to fly out to Eugene, OR and meet our new son, Joshua!! That was a very special time for us and this first year has been a wonderful time for us, as well. Joshua has grown a lot from that little baby we picked up for the first time in the hospital. We won't have official weight and height till Dec. 7 when he has his 1 year check up, but we know he is getting heavier!! He continues to develope at a normal, if not quicker, pace. He's been walking since 10 months, but still has that "drunken sailor" swagger every now and then. He is in to everything and he still just gives us "a smile" when we tell him "no". We do believe he is starting to understand, because there are times that he will walk away from you if you are trying to get something from him.

Joshua is a wonderful child and is a delight to be around. He laughs all of the time and has a very hearty laugh when he's tickled!! He's a great eater. He ate just as much as Jeremy on Thanksgiving! Jeremy spent the rest of the weekend telling us that he was eating more than Josh!! I guess he didn't like being outdone by his brother!!

Joshua now has 12 teeth!! He has 4 front upper and 4 front lower and 2 upper and 2 lower back teeth. Thus with that many teeth, he can pretty much eat whatever we eat. So "no more" baby food!!! Josh seems to be happy about that! He's also switched to cow's milk. We are pretty happy about that!! No more formula!!

We will be posting pictures after tonight when he gets his presents, etc.

Happy 1st Birthday, Son!! We Love you!

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