Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Boy, time really does fly! Joshua is 6 months old today and it seems like only yesterday we were in Oregon to get him. He is doing great. He has a little cold, but nothing serious. He still may be cutting his upper teeth, too. It's so hard to tell at this point. He is rolling over all of the time now. I saw him get up on his hands and knees the other day and sway, so he's getting ready to be on the move!! Di, Jeremy and Joshua are at Di's Mom's till Wednesday. They are visiting and doing some work for her Mom. When Di gets back, we'll get pictures posted. She has the camera, but no internet service!! We'll have pictures of his first boat ride, which he seemed to like very well. Did a lot of sleeping!!! We'll also put on current pics of him, etc.

Our lives remain very busy. Jeremy still has baseball games this month so we are at the baseball fields at least once a week and practice 2 nights a week.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!!

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