Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our little...well big..boy!

My how our little boy has changed. The top photo is Joshua when he was just a couple days old. The bottom photo is Joshua at 2 months. On Monday, he had his 2 month apt. He got 2 shots (hence the band aids on his legs) and weighed in at 14.2 lbs and 23 1/2 inches tall. That means in two months he has grown 3 1/2 inches and gained 7.6 lbs. Yep he isn't missing many meals. As is evident by the rolls on his legs and arms. The apointment went great and Joshua was a trouper for the shots.

Overall Joshua continues to mature by leaps and bounds. He is only getting up once in the night and unlike Jeremy, Joshua can actually be laid down before he falls asleep this has been a new but welcome experience. We aren't sure if our parenting has improved or if it is just the difference in children. Whatever the cause we'll take it.

Josh smiles a lot now. Especially for Di (author of today's post). He loves to listen to music, watch his mobiles or his Rain Forest aquarium in his crib. He can roll over on his side, but can't seem to get the rest of the way. He loves checking out everything and everyone one. Today we have our final home visit. After that it should be just a few short weeks and Joshua will "officially" be ours. We plan to celebrate that day.

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